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LAW 0735: Tort Litigation and Trial Practice: City Solicitor
Fall 2022 • Section F21 • CRN 27599

Course Description

Students serve as lawyers in the Claims Division of the City Solicitor's Office and are assigned cases involving a variety of tort actions filed against the City. Students are exposed to all aspects of the litigation process, including the initial responsive pleading, written discovery, deposition, pre-trial motions, municipal court and arbitration hearings. All work is supervised by an attorney. Attendance throughout the semester at a Wednesday lecture series is required. Note: Certification under Rules 321 and 322 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is required.


Day/Time Location Note
W 9:30-11:30 AM TBA see registration notes for additional time requirements
W 2:00-4:00 PM TBA see registration notes for additional time requirements

Additional Time Requirements

Full day Wednesdays. In addition to Wednesdays, students may report during other days of the week to act as counsel in litigation proceedings but this is not required. Students must complete a minimum of 10 hours each week of the semester of experiential work, classroom learning, or out of class assignments.

Course Details

  • Kenneth Butensky
Credit Hours

3 Credits



Course Type
  • Externship
Course Modality


Fulfills J.D. Requirement
  • Experiential/Professional Skills


Registration Info

Registration Notes

The first Wednesday the students report to the Arbitration Center at 8:45 to observe cases, that same day from 3 to 5 will be orientation. The next three weeks the academic component is from 9:30 to 11:30 at the City of Philadelphia Law Department. For the rest of the semester thereafter, the classroom component is from 2 to 4 at the City of Philadelphia Law Department.


You must have completed the following courses before enrolling in this course:

  • LAW 0460 (Trial Advocacy I ) or LAW 0558 (Introduction to Trial Advocacy)
  • LAW 0540 (Evidence)

Book List/Materials