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LAW D462: Integrated Transactional Program
Fall 2024 • Section DTP • CRN 22591

Course Description

"Integrated Transactional Practice" is an innovative course package which combines Trusts and Estates, Professional Responsibility and transactional skills, such as interviewing, negotiation, counseling and drafting into a two-semester, ten-credit sequence. The course centers around six realistic client files which involve one family (except for a single pro bono matter). The simulation course work with these clients occurs in the two skills sections: Transactional Practice I and II. This includes counseling the mother regarding the disposition of shares of a family business under her will, negotiating and selling a piece of property from an estate, and selling the entire family business. Along the way, one of the children gets married and the mother seeks to persuade him to negotiate a prenuptial agreement, and later the son organizes a charitable business and has to face an IRS agent in an examination of organizational activities.


Day/Time Location Note
M 7:30-8:45 PM Barrack 102 Trusts & Estates - Professor Bartow
Th 4:30-5:45 PM Barrack 102 Trusts & Estates - Professor Bartow
W 6:00-7:50 PM Klein 6A Transactional Practice (Section 21) Ida Chen
W 6:00-7:50 PM Klein 6B Transactional Practice (Section 22) Kara Dodson
W 5:30-7:20 PM Klein 7A Transactional Practice (Section 23) - Lori Halber
W 5:30-7:20 PM Klein 7B Transactional Practice (Section 24) - Katherine Commons
W 5:30-7:20 PM Klein 8A Transactional Practice (Section 25) Kathleen O'Brien
W 5:30-7:20 PM Klein 8B Transactional Practice (Section 26) - David Blum

Additional Time Requirements

Transactional Practice I meets 5:30-7:20 PM or 6:00-7:50 PM; section assignments TBD.

Course Details

  • Robert Bartow
Credit Hours

5 Credits



Course Type
  • Integrated Transactional Program
Course Modality


Fulfills J.D. Requirement
  • Writing Serial
  • Experiential/Professional Skills


Registration Info

Registration Notes

Registration for the spring only is not permitted. - ITP courses are: (Spring) Professional Responsibility 416-021 and Transactional Practice II 463 (4 sections). Students may elect to have ITP fulfill either 4 credits of Experiential coursework, 2 skills credits in the fall plus 2 skills credits in the spring OR ITP can fulfill the Serial Writing requirement (ITP can not fulfill both requirements). 4LE students who have taken ITAP may enroll in ITP. Part of a two semester, ten credit course package. See course description.

Equivalent Courses

You may not register for this course if you are enrolled in or have already taken the following:

  • LAW D460 (ITAP)

Book List/Materials

To see the books for ITP, go to the Barnes & Noble web site, click the “Find Textbooks” tab, and select the following 2 courses: JUDO 462 section DTP and JUDO 602 section 021. (The tab below does not link to the above sections.)