LAW 0690:
Energy Law and Regulation
Fall 2024 • Section 21
• CRN 49058
Course Description
The course will focus on the economic regulation of electricity and fossil fuel markets. The goal is to enable the student to gain a working understanding of how electricity, oil and gas markets and associated transmission are regulated. The course will approach these subjects from the perspectives of federal and state regulations - Washington D.C. and Harrisburg, respectively - giving the student and orientation to energy law and regulation as it is actually practiced. Emphasis will be placed on how the Federal Energy regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates price, service and competition in interstate markets under the Federal Power Act, the Interstate Commerce Act and the Natural Gas Act, and how state utility commissions, like the utilities, competitive commodity suppliers, and local gathering and pipeline transportation under analogous state laws. Constitutional principles governing the allocation of authority and the interplay between federal and state jurisdictions (dormant commerce clause, supremacy clause/preemption) will also be addressed. Grading will be based on one or more practice exercises, and a final examination.
Day/Time | Location |
M/W 4:00-5:15 PM | Klein 8B |
Registration Info
No Registration Restrictions.