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LAW 0445: Custody Law
Fall 2024 • Section 21 • CRN 8902

Course Description

This course covers the entire field of custody, including the following: History of custody in America; Constitutional implications; Definitions and general principles including joint custody; Psychological issues from the parent's point of view, from the children's point of view and from the lawyer's point of view; Child custody evaluations; Best interest standard and the factors affecting that standard; Paternity related presumptions and rights of third parties, including the state, grandparents, stepparents and relevance of in loco parentis and different burdens of proof; abuse; Interstate and International Child Custody Disputes; Relocation; Termination of parental rights; Dependency; Adoption; Methods of resolving custody disputes, including negotiation, mediation and litigation; Post-decision proceedings including modification of orders and appeal and contempt; and Special topics including surrogacy, biological or psychological parents and biotechnology issues.


Day/Time Location
W 4:00-5:50 PM Klein 6A

Course Details

  • Nadege Tandoh
Credit Hours

2 Credits



Course Type
  • Exam
Course Modality


Fulfills J.D. Requirement




Registration Info

Equivalent Courses

You may not register for this course if you are enrolled in or have already taken the following:

  • LAW 1035 (Custody Law)

Book List/Materials