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LAW 0558: Introduction to Trial Advocacy
Spring 2020 • Section 27 • CRN 3323

Course Description

Armed with the prerequisite, Evidence, this course introduces the student to the law of trial advocacy. "In a ""learning by doing"" or student performance format," students are taught the basic trial advocacy skills of making and meeting objections, direct and cross examination, introducing and opposing exhibits, impeachment of witnesses, examination of experts, and delivering opening statements and closing arguments. Students are placed in performance sections which are capped at 12 and to watch online a pre-taped weekly lecture or demonstration geared to the weekly assignment. This lecture must be watched prior to the class but on the student's own schedule. Successful completion of ITA meets the advocacy requirement for clinicals.

Students are also required to attend one trial in the Regional Trial Competition held at the Criminal Justice Center in February (exact weekend TBA) where they will play a witness role in one round of the Competition. The case the students witness for will also be used as the case file for the ITA final trial.


Day/Time Location
T 7:30-9:30 PM Klein 1A

Additional Time Requirements

Introduction to Trial Advocacy (ITA) is comprised of a one hour lecture per week and a three hour performance (skills) session. This section of Introduction to Trial Advocacy is a performance session, and also requires that students watch the pre-taped lecture online prior to class but on their own schedule. Students must also attend one round of the Regional Trial Competition where they will play a witness role in one trial. The precise weekend will be announced on Blackboard.

Course Details

  • Diana Anhalt
Credit Hours

3 Credits



Course Type
  • Non-Exam
Course Modality


Bar Exam


Fulfills J.D. Requirement
  • Experiential/Professional Skills


Registration Info


You must have completed the following courses before enrolling in this course:

  • LAW 0540 (Evidence)

Equivalent Courses

You may not register for this course if you are enrolled in or have already taken the following:

  • LAW 0460 (Trial Advocacy I )
  • LAW 0461 (Trial Advocacy II)

Book List/Materials