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LAW 0695: Renewable Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
Summer 2022 • Section 51 • CRN 11613

Course Description

The course will cover solar and wind generation technologies and the issues involved in developing, siting, and integrating them into the U.S. electricity grid. The course will review the major renewable energy laws and regulations designed to promote renewable generation resources, including federal tax subsidies, state renewable portfolio standards, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and net metering. The class will consider the intermittent character of wind and solar resources, and the policy and legal aspects of possible ways to overcome this phenomenon. In light of the location constraints of wind resources, key regulatory issues affecting transmission access will also be addressed. Turning to the transportation sector, the course will consider vehicle electrification (widespread market integration of electric vehicles) as a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Day/Time Location
T/Th 6:00-7:50 PM Online Meeting

Course Details

  • Ken Hurwitz
Credit Hours

2 Credits


No Limit

Course Type
  • Exam
Course Modality

Online Synchronous

Bar Exam


Fulfills J.D. Requirement




Registration Info

Registration Notes

Classes start the week of May 23. No classes held on Monday May 31.The last week of classes is the week of July 4. Monday's class will meet on Tuesday, July 5. Final exams are July 11-13.

Book List/Materials