LAW 0781:
Sheller Center for Social Justice: Social Justice Lawyering Clinic
Fall 2024 • Section F21
Course Description
Students will engage in the multifaceted practice of social justice advocacy through hands-on experience. Using a hybrid advocacy model, students provide direct individual client representation and work on related advocacy projects that address systemic issues. This work will be team-based and collaborative, and often involve nonprofit legal providers and community-based organizations. Students are expected to participate in a weekly team meeting with their faculty supervisor as well as learn about the substantive and procedural law that is applicable to their cases and projects. This course will focus on one or more particular social justice issues each semester.
Schedule To Be Announced
Additional Time Requirements
On the first day of class, students will arrange a time for team a advocacy project meetings with their faculty supervisor. Apart from these meetings, students will be expected to devote approximately 15 hours per week working at the Sheller Center.
Registration Info
Registration Notes
Applications will be taken for this Internal Clinic. Students will also be automatically enrolled in the Social Justice Lawyering Seminar for 2 credits. Students will arrange a time for team and advocacy project meetings around their schedules, and should plan to devote approximately 20 hours per week. Students enrolled in this clinical must also take Law 5034 (Social Justice Lawyering Seminar).
Book List/Materials
No book purchases are required or recommended for this course.