LAW 0751:
Ethics in Practice (International LLM)
Fall 2024 • Section 21
Course Description
This course will focus on issues of professionalism and ethics in practice. Students will learn about attorney obligations to the client, court, profession, and society, and develop an understanding of their own professional values and philosophy as practicing lawyers. In addition to examining global issues of ethics and professionalism, the course will utilize students' experiences to identify and explore issues particular to different areas of practice.
Schedule To Be Announced
Additional Time Requirements
This course will run for the last 7 weeks of the semester, starting the week of
Registration Info
Registration Notes
Practicum for International LLM students only. Shown here for informational purposes. Class will between October ___, 2023 (at a time TBD by instructor, once a week for about 3 weeks. In addition to class meetings, student will complete their placements during that time and will also be required to spend additional hours in their practical law office placements.