LAW 0748:
Federal Appellate Litigation Clinic: Advanced Clinic Intensive
Spring 2025 • Section 21
Course Description
After having completed the Federal Appellate Litigation Clinic and Seminar, students will have the opportunity to continue their work on the client’s appeal during the spring semester, including completing the briefing and presenting oral argument before the Third Circuit. In the advanced clinic, students will complete initial briefing, including finalizing and filing the principal brief, drafting a reply brief in opposition to appellee’s/respondent’s brief, negotiating settlements, and preparing and presenting oral argument before the Court. In addition, each student will participate in at least four moots as they prepare for argument; and draft three reflection papers, addressing the role of pro bono counsel in providing meaningful access to justice, effective appellate advocacy, and/or emerging issues in immigration and civil rights law. Students are also expected to participate in a weekly meeting with their faculty supervisor. There is no classroom component beyond what was taken in LAW 5037.
Schedule To Be Announced
Additional Time Requirements
A minimum of 10 hours each week on their client’s appeal. At times it will be necessary to work additional hours consistent with the goals and direction of the client’s litigation.
Registration Info
Registration Notes
Minimum grade of D in JUDO 0759 Federal Appellate Litigation and Minimum grade of D in JUDO 5037 Fed Appellate Litigation Seminar. Students who completed the above courses in Fall 2024 will automatically be enrolled for Spring 2025.