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LAW 0749: Advanced Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Spring 2025 • Section 21

Course Description

In the Advanced Clinic, a small number of students who have completed the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic will have the opportunity to engage in a more in-depth clinical experience. In the Advanced Clinic, students will work more in detail on cases, sometimes with volunteer pro bono attorneys, and on outreach and education, sometimes with other nonprofit organizations or elected officials’ offices. Students will make use of the skills and knowledge they have acquired during the preceding semester. Advanced students might work with students in the regular clinic or separately.


Schedule To Be Announced

Additional Time Requirements

The Advanced Clinic student will (1) meet with the Professor at least once a week for an hour to discuss case progress and go over questions and (2) write a reflective paper that critically explores their role as a student-lawyer in carrying out their work. There is no classroom component.

Course Details

  • Omeed Firouzi
Credit Hours

Varies, 1 to 3 Credits



Course Type
  • Internal Clinic
Course Modality


Fulfills J.D. Requirement
  • Experiential/Professional Skills


Registration Info

Registration Notes

Interested students should contact Professor Firouzi. For fall 2024, students will be registered in a temporary CRN 31441 "Adv Clinic: Justice Lab" until this course can be created in the course inventory.

Book List/Materials